Rockin The Reds Ranch
Calhan, CO
Red Wattle Hogs
These large red hogs are named for the
decorative wattles on the side of their necks.
These wattles have no known function. The red
color comes in a variety of shades with some
black speckles or patches. Their ears are upright
with droopy tips. Considered an outstanding
choice for pasture-based swine production, Red
Wattles are known for hardiness, foraging
activity, rapid growth rate and gentle nature.
Their meat is exceptionally lean and juicy.
This breed has never been supported by an
active breed association and is listed on the
ALBC Conservation Priority List as being critically
The modern Duroc pig is a medium size animal
with a fairly long body. Coloration can range
from an orangy brown to a light golden to a deep
mahogany red. They characteristically have
large litters that grow quickly. They are known for
deep bodies, broad hams and shoulders with
high levels of tenderness. They survive well in
both cold and hot climates. They have a
relatively calm temperment, but can be tenacious
when caring for a litter.
Miscellaneous Pig Breeds
We also have some miscellaneous breeds of pigs
from time to time.